How to Disable Developer Option Mode on LG TVs

Yes, here I will try my best to provide a proper guide on how you can disable developer option mode on LG TV. With so much new software and hardware hitting the market, it can be hard to keep up with all the changes.

And if you’re a developer, that means you have to keep up with the latest changes in Android and Apple’s iOS operating systems. But what if you don’t have a computer or an iPhone?

What if you don’t have access to a computer or an iPhone? Well, that’s where developer options mode comes in. Developer option mode is a hidden menu that you can find on some LG TVs.

When enabled, it allows developers to access various undocumented TV functions. This can be incredibly useful when testing apps or debugging issues. This blog post will walk you through the steps required to enable developer options mode on your LG TV.

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How to Disable Developer Option Mode on LG TVs?

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If you have an LG TV, you can enable the developer options mode to gain access to more features and settings. This article will show you how to do this on various LG TVs.

First, turn on your TV. Then press the menu button and select system. Under “Settings,” select “General.” Under “Developer Options,” make sure “Enable Developer Option” is selected. Finally, select “OK.”

How Does Developer Option Mode Work?

Developer option mode is a hidden menu that allows you to control some of the settings on your LG TV. This mode is usually accessible by pressing the “Menu” button on your remote and navigating to “Settings.”

Here, you’ll find the “Developer Options” menu.

 To access developer options mode on your LG TV:

  1. Press the “Menu” button on your remote and navigate to “Settings.”
  2. Scroll down to “Developer Options” and press the “On/Off” Button.
  3. A list of options will appear.
  4. Select the “Backlight” option and press the “On/Off” Button.
  5. You can now adjust the backlight intensity level by using the up and down arrows on your remote.

Disabling Developer Option Mode

How to Disable Developer Option Mode on LG TVs

You may want to enable the developer options mode if you own an LG TV. This will allow you to access some advanced settings and features on your TV.

To do:

  1. Open the LG TV’s Settings menu.
  2. Select Developer Options.
  3. Enable Developer Mode by checking the box next to it.

What are the Benefits of Enabling Developer Option Mode on LG TV?

Enabling developer mode on LG TVs will allow you to access a range of features that are not available in the regular TV viewing experience. This includes changing the TV’s settings, viewing and editing software updates, and more.

Some of the benefits of enabling developer mode on your LG TV include the following:

  • You can customize the look and feel of your TV.
  • You can view and edit software updates.
  • You can troubleshoot problems with your TV.
  • You can learn how to use the advanced features of your TV.


Enabling the “Developer Option” on your LG TV is a great way to get more out of your TV and can make it easier to customize the interface to match your personal preferences. You can access hidden menus, change system settings, and troubleshoot problems by enabling Developer Mode. If you’re unsure how to enable Developer Mode on your LG TV, or need help setting it up, look for our comprehensive guide.

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