How to Tell if Someone is Using your WiFi

Tell if Someone is Using your WiFi

Whenever, you notice your web browsing is slowing down or your Netflix streaming is not running properly, you have to check out your wireless activity. As there is a chance of stealing your Wi-Fi.  You might have got your neighbor mooching off your internet. If you want to confirm that someone’s stealing your Wi-Fi in … Read more

How to Find Free Wi-Fi Hotspots

Find Free Wi-Fi Hotspots

In this article, we depict five different ways how to find free Wi-Fi hotspots wherever and with irrelevant effort to help you with connecting to the web paying little heed to where life takes you. What are hotspots? Internet hotspots are Wi-Fi access points that are generally available to the public. They let you connect … Read more

How to Find Free Wi-Fi Hotspots Near You?

The idea of the advanced world makes it difficult to be away from a Wi-Fi connection for a long time and can find free Wi-Fi Hotspots. No messages, Spotify, or Instagram—and moderate 3G web—is the stuff of bad dreams. If you have to find the nearest free Wi-Fi connection, there are a couple of different … Read more