9 Best Wampserver Alternatives 2024


Wampserver is a Windows-based development environment that enables you to create any web application with Apache, PHP, and MySQL databases.

The utility also comes with PHPMyAdmin and SQLite Manager to easily manage your database. It installs automatically and lets you tune your server without even touching the configuration files;

Have you been bored with Wampserver? If yes, it will be a good chance for me to show you the 9 best Wampserver alternatives for mac.

With the hope that you will like it after choosing one of them which is suitable for work. Let’s begin!

9 Best Wampserver Alternatives 2024

The Uniform Server

Best Wampserver Alternatives

The Uniform Server is a lightweight server answer for running a web server under the Windows OS.

Under 10MiB, it fuses the latest variations of Apache2, Perl5, PHP5, My SQL5, and PHP My Admin and that is just a hint of something larger.

  • No foundation is required!
  • No library dust! Empty and start-up!

It is a WAMP strategy that awards you to run a web server on any Microsoft Windows OS-based PC.

This one is pretty much nothing and convenient to download or move around and can similarly be used or arranged as a creation / live server.

It doesn’t require to be presented, and the way that it will eat up under 10MB of storage room.

This is genuinely amazing for customers who need to encounter the unbalanced set–up strategy, besides, that eats up a significant proportion of the room.

Clients can get overhauls constantly, and close by some wonderful support to decide inquiries on schedule.

Clients can in like manner go well beyond and change the settings to direct programming.

So in case, you are looking for an extra plan and tweaking, then this is probably the best other option.

Download: here

UWAMP Server

Wampserver Alternatives

UwAmp Server is an improvement device for web employments of Microsoft Windows OS.

It has instruments like SQ LITE, Apache, and PHP facilitated with it.

With this, on the off chance that customers decided to have web applications attempted separated, at that point that would be possible.

So you wouldn’t generally require a web relationship with getting the applications attempted.

Clients who are stressed over the foundation of it need not worry since it needn’t mess with a foundation.

You can particularly well begin with a compacted record. Clients will without a doubt find the interface.

You can check the structure settings close to the request on the interface.

  • If you are to run another PHP releases nearby it, at that point that would be feasible.
  • Clients will in like manner have the ability to get data on the CPU usage.
  • Customers can even run the webserver from the flash plate using this.
  • You are allowed the chance to thus start the webserver from the flash plate using this.

You have not the chance to thus start the servers in the wake of dispatching UmAmp, perceive Apache, and My SQL running from another pack.

Check if the port is used, get open IP addresses, orchestrate an external substance tool, and normally restart serves when the plan records change.

Download: here


MAMP alternative

At first, made for MAC, MAMP is a tantamount program with XAMPP, with grants course of action a web server on your home PC, directly open for Windows customers as well.

It presents Apaches server with various essential modules SSL, My SQL database, PHP with crucial libraries included, Python and Perl, PHP My Admin is available in paid variation that additionally incorporates a boundless number of virtual hosts.

Use email, introduce various forms of PHP, Image Magick library in PHP to control pictures, and barely anymore.

  • It presents a local server condition surprisingly fast on your PC.
  • This one accompanies nothing using cash on hand and is easily presented.
  • It won’t exchange off any present Apache foundation formally running on your system.
  • You can present Apache, PHP, and My SQL without starting content or changing any course of action records!

Besides, if MSMP is no anymore required, just delete its envelope, and everything returns to its exceptional state.

Like a Linux – Distribution, it is a blend of free programming, and as such it is offered in vain from cash on hand.

It is released under the GNU General Public License and may hence be passed on uninhibitedly inside the constraints of this grant.

If it’s not all that much difficulty observe: a segment of the included writing computer programs is released using a substitute grant.

In these cases, the contrasting grant applies.

Download: here

Secure WAMP

Wampserver Alternatives

For secure web facilitating, customers might constantly want to work with Secure Wamp.

There is a central Graphics User Interface available to assume responsibility for settings, suggesting that all the torment of secretive arrangement archives is managed.

The client needs to worry about issues like various interfaces. On the off chance that you happen to be a web fashioner or a director.

At that point, It may work well for you to test and headway diverged from ordinary this, it offers some dynamic focal points.

With this customer has the choice among architects and creation settings, so it is rather than various WAMPs furthermore ideal for web encouraging.

  • It has manner worked earnestly on usability. It is to control exceedingly key settings using a middle GUI.
  • So you don’t need to regulate obscure arrangement files or various interfaces.

Every one of the portions Secure WAMP has solitary game plans and this WAMP system consolidates Apache, PHP, My SQL, File Zilla FTP Server, and additionally Mercury/ 32 Mail – Server.

Download: here

Desktop Server

Wampserver Alternatives

Desktop Server is the most popular programming that is used close by WordPress for development and testing.

It is very well made to be viewed as a strong contender to XAMPP. It can keep you away from all the abundance errands for you.

Clients rarely should be worried over database organization and record course of action. It is all-around arranged programming.

And you will be energetic to understand that the time taken is unreasonably low when stood out from some other similar programming.

Site improvement for all the WordPress customers has ended up being unfathomable essential with this.

Customers need to click multiple times essentially, and they can see the new site. Make an effort not to worry over the WordPress archives.

  • It will get all the basic documents presented for you. You don’t have to worry about security keys.
  • The interface is totally clear, so in case you are new; it wouldn’t have any effect a lot.
  • You can even passage, import, and offer records. Besides, if you are a readied player, at that point you will be cheery to use successful programming as it is.
  • For all WordPress admires, it can’t just enhance the remote possibility that you have this with you.

There are some forefront features for programming available with a top-notch adjustment of similar programming. You can use the item for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.

Download: here

Abyss Web Server

Wampserver Alternatives

Disregarding the fact that  Apache is extraordinary compared to other existing web servers

It is for reasons obscure you want to use something different, Abyss Web Server X1 is an amazing alternative to have pages through a local framework or the internet.

Thanks to Abyss Web Server X1, any customer can remotely get the opportunity to content facilitated on the PC, be it website pages, music, films, and so on.

A portion of the advances maintained by this web server includes overwriting URLs, customized mistake page, Unicode, secure associations through SSL or TLS, content dialects (CGI and fast CGI, ASP. NET local, ISAPI).

Capacities to control access to the server, threatening to hacking security gadgets, and an against accident assurance framework additionally shape a bit of this server.

The interface accompanies a  backing for certain dialects. Customers can likewise discover a component that is planned to be threatening to hacking capacity, and this is programmed.

  • Customers can even run at the scanning information basic for the customer.
  • There are two adaptations, the fundamental version assuming free.
  • Regardless, if you need it for master use, at that point you can purchase the Pro Version.

Download: here

Zend Server

Zend Server

Zend Server is a web server that will take s shot at your local PC, will allow running and conveying PHP applications.

  • This software incorporates more than 80 PHP augmentations.
  • It tends to be integrated with various web servers like Apache, IIS, or Nginx.
  • You can tweak PHP settings and configuration, send websites with a solitary snap even is custom content, a substance management framework like Magento, Word#Press, and so on.
  • It is planned for professional designers of large or small web applications.
  • It tends to be viewed as another great answer for tools like XAMPP and Wamp. Also, it is installing the Zend framework.

Incorporates a debugger, data caching, application monitor, and more. It very well may be utilized on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

This one incorporates more than 80 PHP Servers.

It is passed on as local groups for all driving Linux appropriations, Windows, MAC OS X, and IBM situations including notable Cloud situations. For example, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure.

It supports any PHP code and gives significant bits of information into that code including the most mainstream PHP applications and frameworks like WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Zend Framework, Symfony, and Laravel.

Any code you have in PHP will continue running on it. That’s why it is also counted in the Wampserver server alternative.

Download: here



AMPPS, a web server that enables customers to code web applications on their PC using PHP.

This undertaking is presently Apache, My SQL, Mongo DB, PHP, Perl, and Python and you will have the capacity to code, test, and investigate applications written in these programming dialects.

This instrument’s license to make and cooperate with various My SQL database, present different substance administration frameworks like WordPress, Joomla, access pull arrangements, and settings for each module.

It is very well may be used on Windows, Mac, Linux.

It is a thing stack from Softaculous drawing in Apache, My SQL, Mongo DB, PHP, Perl, Python, and Softaculous auto-installer on a work area.

  • This incorporates all that you prerequisite for site advancement.
  • Start developing your website from open source web applications or start forming code yourself.
  • You can perform Complex capacities like going down the Database or Backing up your entire Website most definitely with just a tick of a catch.
  • You can likewise upgrade your Installations with a tick. Save the trouble while Importing your Scripts or Backing up your Websites.

Doftaculous makes it as basic as it can get. The same work process enables assignments to be finished rapidly and without investigating through various walks or pages.

To start making locales, essentially download and present it with a Softaculous auto-installer.

You’ll be fully operational in under 5 minutes! When this is presented, present the latest adaptation of your most adored free web applications, for example, JOOMLA! WordPress, MAGENTO, Dolphin using Softaculous.

Download: here



Easy PHP is a potential answer to run a web server on your PC and create web applications in the local condition before making it live.

Utilizing it, you can install and utilize segments like Apache server, PHP, My SQL, PHP My Admin, and X debug.

It also supports installing additional modules, the large advantage of this application is that it is portable, so you can utilize it from USB or easily expel it again from scratch. This one is also a Wampserver server alternative for Linux.

It incorporates speedy connections to start or stop administration, change PHP settings, ports, and more.

This one tends to be utilized on Windows as it were.

It is a finished set–up of tools Wampserver (Windows, Apache, My SQL, and PHP) for the improvement of the web extends through a pre-arranged condition that incorporates everything expected to mount a myriad of structures of various sorts.

Specifically, the package incorporates updated forms of Apache, My SQL, PHP My Admin, X debug.

  • In addition to as many additional modules and parts as an Apache server, My SQL completes the execution of PHP code.
  • At the point when you run the program, you set up the Apache and My SQL server.

Since the installation program can be installed several additional modules rely upon the CMS or administration that we use on our website, either WordPress, JOOMLA, DRUPAL, PRESTASHOP, SPIP, or PHPBB among others.

More visit: AmazeInvent

Remember that its theory is based on the creation, optimization, and investigating as we build up our web venture, giving full documentation and notification framework.

Besides, it is portable/laptop, so you can run anywhere without performing an installation.

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