15 Best iOS Home Screen Ideas and Customization Tips


The iOS 14 opened up the universe of home screen customization on iPhones. Here are the 15 best iOS home screen ideas. You can add or eliminate applications and pages from the home screen, and do segregation of different things.

Do you need a unique-looking home screen for your iPhone? How about we look into a few ways to redo the iOS home screen.

It’s really amazing to give yourself a cool iPhone Home Screen format. Gathering applications into different envelopes on different pages is a way of keeping your sorting coordinated, but there are more innovative ways of getting sorted out your iPhone home screen.

There are innumerable ways of redoing your iPhone’s Home Screen by using different methods and the App Library in iOS. Be that as it may, in this aide, we’re just zeroing in on different application design thoughts. These are propositional innovative strategies to connect with your applications.

In this article, we have brought you the 15 best iOS home screen ideas and customization tips to make sure you own a cool iPhone look.

15 Best iOS Home Screen Ideas and Customization Tips

Best iOS Home Screen Ideas

Keep your home screen clean

All the introduced applications would be visible on the iPhone’s home screen. Deleting an application would uninstall it. With iOS 14 onwards, eliminating applications from the home screen will not uninstall them.

  • You can look at them in the App Library that can be gotten to by swiping left from the last home screen page.
  • With this element, you can keep just the important applications or eliminate every one of them to get a perfect home screen.
  • To eliminate an application from the home screen, contact and hold the application symbol.
  • Then select remove application followed by removal from the home screen and if the application is completely useless to you, just have to delete the application to uninstall it fully.

The Color hack

Another color-based option is to apply your applications with color-coded shortcuts. Why not make social applications green, games red, and different applications blue? A tone-coded iPhone Home Screen design makes it simple to zero in just on the applications you want at a specific time.

This can be very helpful for anyone with partial blindness, so, you can pick tones for different application bunch that you see is easy to analyze.

Making interesting use of Widgets

The iOS 14 brought forth the idea of widgets on the iPhone’s home screen. Presently you can rapidly get significant data from different applications without opening the application.

  • To add widgets, press any empty space on the home screen and tap on add (+) symbol at the top.
  • Tap on the widget to see it.
  • Swipe through the rundown of the available things to choose the right size of the widget.
  • At long last, tap on Add widget.
  • You are then supposed to place the widget in the rightest place to make it more visible and look more catchy.


Big screens are always amazing to look at. Nevertheless going after symbols at the far edges of the presentation can in a real sense be an aggravation. Instead of rehearsing fingertip yoga each time you need to open an application, why not hold your icons down to one side?

Use iEmpty to make clear spaces in your iPhone Home Screen type, allowing you to move the bunch of applications on whichever side you need them. You will only understand the actual use and pros of such a setting when you will have to use your phone from one hand. 

Focusing on the Bottom-line only

Everyone knows that the lower part of the screen is the most visible part of a screen since it’s the easiest part to reach. That is the reason the dock is down there.

Along these lines, it’s a good idea to look at the most top part of the iPhone Home Screen fully and use clear symbols to move your application symbols towards the bottom. 

Partition of the screen

With this design, keep work-related applications on one page. Diversion applications that you just use outside of working hours go on another.

Join this with the downtime included in screen time to naturally cripple applications on the work screen towards the end workday. For stunningly better usefulness, use downtime to impair everything on the play screen during working hours too.

Defining the purpose of the folder.

Instead of naming the folder after classes like music, efficiency, etc. Characterize the reason for the applications present in it for the purpose they assist you with.

For example, instead of taking it to a Music place, take this as it a Listen folder. Additionally, use action words like a watch, play, tune in, explore, photo, read, share, shop, and talk, etc. to name envelopes.

To rename an envelope, contact and hold the folder. Select Rename from the menu. Tap on the envelope name and enter the new name.

Creating Folders

On the opportunity that you have a large number of applications, pack them into a few organizers so you don’t have to swipe through interminable Home Screens to see everything. It’s perfect for sorting out your envelopes by application class: work, health, finance, diversion, etc.

The App Library does this, so you have zero power over how each application is classified. This is a greatly improved choice assuming you need to know is where to find each application.

On a chance that you’re fighting to consider a great organizer name thoughts for this Home Screen format, you can also use emoticons to give fast, portrayals for everyone.

Use Emoji instead of names

Just after creating folders, you come up with this strategy. If you like emojis, use these as a folder name. Go with emojis that you can easily identify with. Pulling off the emoji idea is very well-explained.

However, while coming up with this idea always remember to use the emojis you use very often and don’t forget which emoji you have used for what.

Customized app icons

To change the icon of an application on your iPhone, you should use the Apple Shortcuts application. Look at our point-by-point instructional exercise on the most efficient method to change application symbols on iPhone.

It also includes in excess of ten symbol packs. You can similarly use sites like iskin.tooliphone.net, flaticon, and icons8 to get customized application symbols.

Additionally, applications like App Icon Changer will prove to be useful.

Hiding apps

If you have got a secret application you don’t need anyone to know about? Use Shortcuts or iEmpty to make an imperceptible symbol for it, then, at this stage, name it with an undetectable Unicode character from Empty Characters.

Assuming that you keep no less than one line for every Home Screen, no one will ever think you have a top-secret application reserved there.

Two-paged home screen

It’s optimum to keep your most important applications reachable very much consistently. The simplest method for doing this is to add your most-used four applications to the Dock, then, at this part, focus on the following most important applications on your first Home Screen.

From this place onward, put all the other things into discrete envelopes on the consequent Home Screen page. Then again, just use a Home Screen and consign all the other things to the App Library.

The Rainbow

Most application symbols include a color that stands apart from all others. For this, you can make a dashing iPhone Home Screen format by organizing your apps as indicated by their vital tone to frame a rainbow.

To really sweeten the idea, this makes plenty of applications simpler to find, since it’s easier to picture the application symbol than remember where it sits in your format.

Librarian’s setting

Can’t choose how to keep in line with your iPhone applications? Incapable to pick by arranging symbols by style or characterizing them by colors?

Take the curator’s choice and organize your applications in humble request all things considered.

Choosing the right wallpaper

The background you pick will decide how your last home screen will look like. It urges to be reliable with the style of different things, for example, application symbols, widgets, and similar things.

  • Go to Settings > Wallpaper > Choose a New Wallpaper to change your background.
  • You can set a Dynamic or Live background, or you can use an Apple picture.
  • You can even set your picture as background by choosing it from the available collections


Despite the limitations that Apple puts on the iPhone Home Screen, with somewhat outside-the-box thinking and some easy-to-use deceive, you can concoct a range of innovative application designs.

It will need some time investment to customize the iPhone assuming you need to go all tasteful. Take examples from home screen thoughts on Pinterest or different sites to get the look that you need. Have the persistence to get the desired outcome.

With the above settings, you are surely going to have a home screen that stands out. Completed a list of the 15 best iOS home screen ideas and customization tips.


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