How To Check Power Supply Wattage


While upgrading or adding any gadget to your PC framework, it is basic to know how much force the gadget requires from your PC’s inside force deftly.

Adding a gadget to your PC that draws more wattage from your power supply than it is assessed for can prompt an unstable framework and possible harm to your internal parts.

Checking Wattage Without Removing the Power Supply

Step 1

Unplug your case from any electrical source and press the power button for 10 seconds to guarantee any stored electrical charge is dispersed.

Step 2

Remove the thumbscrews from the back substance of the case that holds the PC’s side access barricade set, and pull the side access board back with light force to remove it from the case.

Step 3

Find your power supply inside your case. It will be situated against the back mass of the case, either at the uncommonly top of the extremely bottom.

Step 4

Look at the uncovered faces of the power supply unit for a sticker or name that portrays the unit’s electrical cutoff points. This name is required to be put on all ATX structure factor PC power supplies.

It will allocate what number amps are accessible for each voltage type and give a “watts max” task. For instance, a 300-watt power smoothly would peruse “300 watts max.” This most extreme wattage is your capacity deftly’s wattage rating.

Step 5

Replace your PC’s side case board and securely fix the thumbscrews back into place.

Step 6

Connection your PC back into any as of late detached electrical sources.

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How To Check Your Power Supply’s Wattage if the Label is Obscured

Step 1

Continue from Step 5 of the past section in case you can’t promptly watch the power supply’s assessing mark because of its course of action on an internal going up against the side.

Step 2

Remove the divisible power string that runs from the power supply to your electrical outlet. This rope pulls out of the back of your PC and is adequately reattached.

Step 3

  • Locate the four mounting screws on the backside of the power supply.
  • These screws are on the comparable side the force string was removed from in the last step.
  • Remove the four screws and put them aside taking the idea not to lose them.

Step 4

Use light force to slide your ability supply forward toward the front of your circumstances where your hard drives and optical drives are found.

Step 5

  • Pull your now sans semi power supply outward away from the case.
  • Take care not to pull too hard or quick, because all of your portions is up ’til now associated with your power supply.

Step 6

Control the drive and check each face for a detailed name. At the point when you find it, check the wattage rating as clarified in step 5 of the past section.

Read more: How to Test a PC Motherboard With a Multimeter?

Step 7

Reposition your power supply into its unique position, and remount it with the four mounting screws you removed earlier.

Step 8

Replace the female connection removed earlier from the back of the power supply back into place.

Step 9

Reassemble the case as point by point in steps 6 and 7 of the last segment.


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