Disney Plus Login Button Not Working Chrome

In case you are not able to login to Disney Plus, this could be because of two reasons. Disney plus login button not working Chrome. The first reason is that your ISP restricted the website, and the second reason is Disney Plus placing restrictions.

AT times, these errors are also caused by browser extensions and VPN clients.

Disney plus login button not working Chrome

When you open the Disney Plus website and then click on the login button, nothing happens. The user doesn’t even see any error code.

This issue isn’t restricted to just one browser; it happens to browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. The nature of the issue doesn’t even depend on the type of connection that the user has; for example, the user could be on mobile data or Wi-Fi and this issue will still occur.

At times, the user can see the login button, but other times it is greyed out. Before trying out any solutions in this article, the user should always check the status of the Disney Plus server, and even restart their own system and networking equipment.

They need to remove their router from bridge mode if it is being used in bridge mode, at times, this is the best way to solve the problem.

Read more: How To Fix Disney Plus Error Code 39?

Sign Up Now

When the Disney Plus login button stops working, then this could be a temporary glitch. In order to get rid of this glitch, follow the simple steps below:

  • Open a web browser, and run the Disney Plus website
  • On the login page, you will see a link to sign up for Disney Plus
  • Click on the Sign up now button
  • And then click on the login button
  • Most probably, the issue is now resolved

Browser Extensions

The second solution here is to disable the browser extensions, as some extensions may interfere with the operation of a browser or a website. Usually, the most problematic extensions are VPN and adblocking extensions. Follow the steps below to get rid of this problem:

  • Open the Google Chrome browser
  • Click on Extensions, which you will find near the top right corner of the window
  • Click on Manage Extensions
  • Enable the Developer Mode by toggling it to the ‘on’ position
  • Click on the Update button
  • Now check to see if you are able to login on to the Disney Plus website
  • If this step doesn’t work, then disable every extension

If you are now able to login to the Disney Plus website, then enable extensions one by one, until you find the extension that has been causing this problem. In case it is an adblocking extension or a VPN extension, you can simply remove that extension from the browser.

VPN Client of the System

VPNs are sometimes used by users because they want to bypass their Internet Service Provider’s restrictions. Users install a VPN on their devices because they want to serve the internet with full privacy. However, this could very well interfere with the functioning of a Disney Plus website.

In order to get rid of this issue, you need to disable the VPN client of the system, by following the simple steps below:

  • Launch VPN client of the system that you are using
  • There, you will see the option of ‘disable/disconnect’
  • Click on that option
  • Now open Disney Plus website and check if the solution works

Incognito or Private Mode

You must have used private mode or incognito mode in the browser, at some point during browsing. The user is isolated from the main sessions of browsing, and sometimes the history of the user activities is not recorded either.

An element of the main session might cause a hindrance due to which the website won’t open, and running the website in incognito mode or private mode might solve the problem.

  • Open the web browser, and then run it in either incognito or private mode
  • Open the Disney Plus website
  • Try logging in, and see if the problem still persists

Edit the Router Settings

The next solution to this problem is to edit the router settings. If there are any parental controls or filters in the router, then that could be a problem when the user starts to login into the Disney Plus website.

When you open the login page of your router, you will be able to see parental control or filters. The user can disable these filters temporarily, and they would be able to login to the Disney Plus website.

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