How to Fix Google Payments Error OR-IEH-01 and OR-IEH-02?

When need to pay for your buys on Google Play Store, you can, without any trouble, utilize your credit or debit card.

Lamentably, a few clients announced that there have been mistakes when they pay to utilize their Mastercards.


They experience Google installment mistakes OR-IEH-01 or potentially IEH-02. Google Pay is a computerized wallet attached to your Google account.

You can utilize it to send or demand cash with companions (similar to Venmo), use it in applications to pay for things, and use it at a store or café with an Android phone or watch running Wear OS.

Why are you seeing this error?

There are various reasons why you are seeing these specific Google Payments blunders.

Google may have seen expected misrepresentation or hazard when buying utilizing your card consequently obstructing you with these messages.

Your firmware might be obscure to Google, or you might be utilizing a VPN administration, which conceals your IP address from Google.

Subtleties on your Mastercard don’t coordinate with the data in your Google Payments.

How to fix it?

The primary thing you need to do is that if you are utilizing a VPN or an intermediary administration, it is ideal to briefly handicap it.

The blunders OR-IEH-01, as well as IEH-02, will prompt the brief suspension of your record.

Google will send an email on how you should check your record. Adhere to the guidelines and present your distinguishing id card or records.

Besides your ID, you may likewise submit files with your name and address.

These reports incorporate service bills or bank explanations that will uphold your ID card and confirm your record.

At last, ensure that your card subtleties match the name and address shown in your Google Payments.

Disable VPN

You are utilizing a VPN or an intermediary administration, it is ideal to briefly incapacitate it when you are buying from Google Play Store.

Verify your Google account

The error OR-IEH-01, as well as IEH-02, will prompt the brief suspension of your record. Google will send an email on how you should confirm your record.

Adhere to the directions and present your ID card or records.

Other than your ID, you may similarly send papers with your name just as address.

These records incorporate service bills or monetary establishment articulations that will uphold your card and approve your record.

Besides your ID, you may likewise submit records with your name and address.

These records incorporate service bills or bank explanations that will uphold your distinguishing id card and confirm your record.

Check your credit card info

Ensure that your card subtleties match the name and address shown in your Google Payments.

Nothing from what was just mentioned strategies work for you, contact Google Play Store back to help you with the issue.

  • Sign in to your Google Payments account here.
  • On the left menu, pick the “subscriptions just as solutions” site page.
  • On the “Other buy task” card, click View purchases.
  • Snap the “Google Play” enrollment exchange to see your installment strategy.
  • You can click “payment approaches” on the left menu if you need to alter the addresses on your Google Payments account.

Read more: How to Fix The 403 Forbidden Error On Google Chrome?

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