
How Much LP Per Win (What is LP?)

It depends on the level of ability of your opponents, calculated by MMR.

If your opponents are not good (> 45% win rate) and you are a good player (<60% win rate), your win will mean less because it was not that big.

LP Per Win

If you did not lose that game, there would be much fighting against you because statistically, that loss would not have happened.

What is LP?

If your MMR is high with your league level, then you get a lot of LP. When your MMR is low, you gain less. It tries to adjust your league level to your MMR by measuring LP weight/loss in games.

LP is the second measurement system and MMR / Elo. The League of Legends still uses a very stable game-making system called the Elo Rating System. By explaining the Elo system,

LP Per Win

Medium opposition groups MMR = OTMMR


  • if YMMR == OTMMR gets 20 loops.
  • if YMMR – 50> OTMMR gets 10 that.
  • if YMMR – 200> OTMMR, you get 6 that.
  • if YMMR + 50> OTMMR gets 30 of that.
  • if YMMR + 200> OTMMR gets 34 of that.

Numbers check randomly here to find the exact formula. Numbers give you an idea. This happens in the background (before the LP program, this shows directly).

Riot still uses the system to measure players, but RIOT wanted to control leaps between leagues. So they made an LP plan. There are advantages and disadvantages of the LP system that many people will not cover.

The LP system calculates with the inclusion of MMR and other non-public statistics.

Since they worked with the Elo Rating System and played LoL, they can estimate how it calculates.

How Much LP Per Win?

LP Per Win

Riot did not want players to switch too fast or too little between leagues. LP is a rating system that measures this. Suppose you were in 1820. If you win this game.

Let’s imagine you get 40 Elo’s. So if you succeed as an MMR, it will be 1860. you will be in the Platinum League (according to the old system).

If you lose, you will go straight back to gold. In the LP program, you will be ~ Gold I: 50LP (1820 Elo).

If you win two games, you will be 100LP (1920 Elo). They made 3w / 2l making 1 gain. Your MMR will be in 1960, and you will be plat V.

This way, the system can say that this player belongs to the plate league.


LP base on MMR, if LP and MMR users rate the above example would be fine. There are a few cases that make LP and MMR unequal that make LP more advantageous than MMR:

(Assume you will get the successive 20LP win)

  • You have 0LP. You lose twice to win once. (Your LP is the same, but MMR just dropped) So the successive win makes you win ~ 16LP.
  • You have 0LP, and the edge of your league is Gold V. You can lose 1000 games and stay in Gold V. The first win you get will give you 1 LP anyway.
  • You have 100LP you 2w / 0l and stop matching. Your MMR has increased by 2 wins, but you still have 100LP.
  • The next winning game (after the promotion series) will get ~ 28LP.
  • If you did not play for a long time and the LP is rotten. This has happened.
  • You left the game on time in line. You lost LP, but MMR remains the same so that you will get more LP in the next match.

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There are some extreme situations between Diamond I – The Challenge.

Riot uses a particular LP calculation system when avoiding several opponents to increase its power.

Such a thing exists but maybe in the LP, win-win streaks matter. It allows you to skip the league faster, but it doesn’t matter in the MMR system.

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