How to Remove “3D Objects” from This PC in Windows 10

For a very long, Windows has passed with six top-level folders: Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, images, and Videos.

In October 2017, the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update included a seventh: 3D Objects.

The folder is intended to give a characteristic spare area to content made with Windows’ new 3D apps, for example, Paint 3D.

How to Remove “3D Objects” from This PC in Windows 10?

In any case, it’s unlikely not going to be helpful to most Windows 10 clients, so in this guide, we’ll tell you the best way to expel it from sight.

  • 3D Objects is located inside your user profile folder, commonly at C:\Users\Username\3D Objects.
  • We’re not going to delete the folder, to a limited extent because doing so could result in issues with any 3D apps which assume it exists.
  • Rather, we’ll focus on hiding it in File Explorer’s sidebar and “This PC” screen, helping to clean up the interface.

You’ll need to alter the vault to make this change. As could be, take care when making vault edits – the wrong change can cause significant issues inside Windows.

  • Open the Registry Editor via searching for “Regedit” in the Start menu (you’ll need to be signed in as an administrator).
  • When the Registry Editor opens, use the tree view or address bar to navigate to the following key:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\Namespace
  • In the tree view to one side of the library editor window, look for the following key:
  • {0DB7E03F-FC29-4DC6-9020-FF41B59E513A}
  • This mysterious-looking key is used to distinguish the 3D Objects folder inside.
  • Right-click the key and snap “Delete” to remove it. You may wish to click “Fare” first to make it simpler to turn around this adjustment later on.
  • Next, utilize the tree view or address bar to explore the accompanying key.
  • This will possibly exist you have a 64-piece Windows establishment.
  • In case you’re utilizing a 32-piece PC, you can skip this progression as you’ve already completed the guide.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\Na
  • Once more, find the 3D Objects folder’s sub-key in the tree view (alluding to the section above), right-click it, and press “Delete.”
  • You should now have the option to open File Explorer and see that the 3D Objects folder no longer shows up on this PC.
  • It’s a little change, however, one that assists with keeping your PC clean in case you’re never going to make 3D content. Even though Microsoft is quick to push Windows’ “creators” features, including a top-level folder for such a specialty discipline feels invented and is unnecessary for by far most of Windows users.
  • If you ever need to restore the folder to This PC, simply reproduce the library sub-keys you removed in this guide.

Read more: How to Enlarge a Picture Without Losing Quality?

Can I be able to delete the 3d objects folder?

Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update incorporates a “3D Objects” folder to This PC.

Microsoft is unmistakably attempting to propel Paint 3D and Windows 10’s other new 3D highlights, yet you can cover the folder if you couldn’t care less for it.

You basically need to delve into the vault. This won’t delete the folder from your PC.

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