Can You See Who Views Your Facebook Profile

As we noticed how easy it is to know who views your profile on LinkedIn and everyone desires to feel the same about Facebook.

Most of the time people want to see who has viewed their Facebook account.

Can you see who views your Facebook profile?

Facebook was never in favor of that but after some time, Facebook decided to provide this feature that you can see who viewed your profile.

Now you can see who viewed your Facebook account with the help of the IOS Facebook app.

  • Open your Facebook account and go to the privacy settings next
  • Now, go to the privacy shortcuts and find privacy to have look at the features
  • You can see the option of saying who viewed your Facebook profile.

However, Facebook still hasn’t declared yet that they have provided that feature permanently to all the people, or is it just an experiment? Some people are saying that this feature is just available in April.

How to access this feature from the Facebook app?

As we already told you this feature is only available on the iOS Facebook app and nobody has any idea of when will it open or be available for all Android devices. We can’t say if it will be available for all Android devices until you can only use this feature on iOS users.

However, Android device users should not be worried if they are not able to see who viewed their Facebook profile because thousands of Android users search on Google daily who viewed their Facebook profile and most third parties have available access to it.

So most Android users just install those third-party apps and link them with their Facebook profile to see who has viewed their Facebook account.

How to manually check who viewed your Facebook profile

To check manually, you will have to do some hard work to see who visited your Facebook profile recently.

As we are already telling you the process will be lengthy and you can get tired of it but if you are passionate about knowing who viewed your Facebook account then this guide can help you and you will have to follow it step by step.

Step by step

With that procedure, you can manually check if anybody had visited your Facebook account recently or not.

  • First, you will have to go on web browsers from your PC or laptop and then you have to enter your username and password to login into Facebook.
  • Go into your Facebook profile by selecting the profile icon which will be available on the right side.

See Who Views Your Facebook profile

  • When you are on the homepage of Facebook you will have to right-click on your mouse and click on view page source. That source will be contained HTML code.
  • If you have a Windows PC then you have to press CTRL+ F commander else + F for Mac users.

See Who Views Your Facebook profile

  • Then on the search bar copy and paste the code
  • There will be thousands of numbers who viewed your Facebook account and all of the numbers will be profile IDs of your Facebook friends or some strangers who viewed your Facebook account.

See Who Views Your Facebook profile

  • Now, open a new tab and paste any of the profile IDs after Facebook and it will go like these IDs.
  • Now, enter the press button on your keyboard and wait for a while for the results.
  • That procedure will show who has viewed your Facebook profile recently no matter if they are your friends or a stranger.

See Who Views Your Facebook profile

  • Or since they came from inside and out do not forget to keep logging in while performing this charge.

This procedure can take up some lengthy work because you will have to do a lot but it can exactly show whoever viewed your Facebook account so it’s a win.

Some third parties also allow users to view whoever checked their profile. All you have to do is to install those apps and link them up to your Facebook account.


Multiple apps guarantee you have full access to all the users who view your Facebook account.

But third parties can be a scam most of the time, because if Facebook hasn’t allowed that feature to see who views your Facebook account then how many features can be available to have looked with it?

We will never suggest you download third-party apps and get headaches.

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