How to Unlink a Nintendo Network ID

As you already know, the Nintendo network id works for a various gaming console and it can also run it online as well.

Just keep in mind that there is a difference between the Nintendo network ID and the Nintendo account.


Almost all of the Nintendo users are having Nintendo accounts and IDs as well. But sadly, new users do not have much of an idea about the Nintendo account and about the linking of the ID.

Basically, if you connect both things, you can increase your gaming experience. The combination of Nintendo ID, as well as account, can assist you to get shop finds by the devices also.

Well, on the other hand, there are a lot of players who want to unlink both. Unlink their Nintendo ID and Nintendo account for various reasons.

As for you and me, there can be a genuine reason for unlinking Nintendo ID. Especially from 3DS. There are a lot of people who want to sell their 3DS just because they have to unlink their Nintendo ID etcetera.

Whatever the reason is. But you must know the correct way to know on how to unlink your Nintendo Network ID from 3DS.

First of all, make sure that your Nintendo Network ID is connected with your Nintendo account in 3D already.

Now we will unlink your ID from your account:

Unlink Nintendo Network ID from 3DS

  • Firstly, open your web browser.
  • Then go to accounts Nintendo.
  • Enter your Nintendo-associated email address and password.
  • Now, go to the menu and on the left side, there will be a user info option.
  • Click on that and scroll down.
  • Then, you will have an edit option.
  • Go in that edit option and you will see all of your linked accounts.
  • In those, you will see your “Nintendo Network ID” will be available with a tick mark on it.
  • Un-tick on “Nintendo Network ID” and select “remove Nintendo ID from 3DS”. And you are all good to go.

How to unlink a Nintendo Network ID from an old Wii U?

If you are willing to delete or remove your NNID Nintendo Network ID from the Wii U which was linked to it before.

Then you can simply follow these steps.

  • First of all, just go to the Wii U Home button and then select System Settings on your Wii U from the menu.
  • Then, select the option which says “Nintendo Network ID”.
  • There you will see an option saying “Delete account”, select that.
  • Now, when you are directed to do so, just enter your password and then click OK.
  • Then simply follow the instructions given on-screen to complete the process.

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