Cheat Engine in Android: Explained in 500 Words or Less

Make your Android device fast so, you need to use Cheat Engine in Android devices. Cheat Engine is a memory scanning tool that allows you to access data stored in your computer’s memory and make changes to it.

This, in turn, allows you to modify information in a game such as health, ammo, score, lives, and the number of things you have in your inventory.

In short, Cheat Engine is a virtual machine that allows you to access a game’s memory.

Cheat Engine is the most popular and user-friendly Android game hacker app. It allows you to edit your game’s memory by scanning for specific values and modifying them. This in turn enables you to get unlimited ammo, Money, XP, health or any other value that you might want in the game.

Cheat Engine is also great for tweaking your graphics settings to improve your gaming experience on low-end devices. You can adjust things like resolution, graphics quality, texture quality, rendering distance, etc. to get the best performance possible from your device

How to Use Cheat Engine in Android?

Is Cheat Engine safe to download, and if so, where should I download it from?

Although Cheat Engine is safe to download, there is a chance that it might trigger your antivirus. This is because antivirus programs don’t like applications that modify their behavior.

You should download Cheat Engine from their official website here.

This article will show you how you can use a Cheat Engine on a rooted Android device. Without further ado, let us get into it.

Step 1:

The first step is to prepare the necessary tools to use the cheat engine app.

Download the Cheat Engine server called “ceserver”. There are several versions available so download the one that best suits your android device.

Also note that the official website is down now and then so if the link does not work, try again later.

  • The second application to download is Terminal Emulator which is available on the google play store.

Finally, download the Cheat Engine apk.

Step 2

After the first step, you will have both the terminal emulator and file manager on your android device. Now, run the file manager, you should get the root permissions automatically.

If not then you will have to activate them manually.

  • Next, go to the download folder which is usually found in the storage of the main memory or the external SD card with the Download name.
  • Now, look for the ceserver file you just downloaded which will have a name like “ceserver_android_xxx”.

This file will be a zip file so you will have to unpack it by selecting the file with a long tap and selecting from the extended menu the “extract to” option by choosing the destined folder.

  • Now enter the folder you just created and copy all the files in it.
  • Move to the system folder: system / xbin and copy the files inside.
  • Next, change permissions to the copied files so that they are executable.
  • To do this, select them individually and choose the Properties command from the extended menu then choose permissions and select all read, write and execute permissions for all levels.

To install the Cheat Engine app.

  • Click on the file that we present in the same download folder.

You will be prompted to enable installation from unknown sources, proceed cautiously and the application will be successfully installed on your device.

Step 3

This is the execution step.

  • Start the terminal emulator and enable root permissions on the terminal using the command: – su
  • Now go to the system folder where ceserver files were copied by executing the command: – cd /system/xbin.
  • Next, launch the Cheat Engine server by executing the following command: – ceserver_xxx
  • Now go to the main screen of your device, look for the Cheat Engine app and launch it.
  • Next, choose “launch ceserver and connect locally” then give root permissions to the application.

The application is finally ready for use.

The working of the Cheat Engine application is similar to that of the desktop version.

  • Open a game of your interest.
Cheat Engine in Android
  • Identify a value that you can change such as lives, gems, and so on
  • Select the semi-transparent Cheat Engine icon on the top left
  • The application will be started after which you will be asked whether you want the xxxxxxx process that matches the game you are playing with
  • Select the type of search to do
  • Place the detected value in the field immediately after the value text and tap “Scan”

You may find a single value at once but it is very rare.

Features of Ceserver APK

  • Allows you to connect to a local or remote process.
  • Allows you to browse memory from the address list.
  • It will let you choose an application from the drop-down list.
  • Safe and free of cost.
  • Cheat for all games using a scroll crash.
  • Allows you to modify the difficulties.
  • Secure platform.
  • Easy interface.


Gaming is supposed to be a leisure activity but some people take it very seriously. Of course, some levels are near impossible to beat in which case you look for the best cheat codes available on the Internet.

The purpose of this guide was to introduce you to using Cheat Engine on Android devices. Furthermore, we also discussed how you can set it up and use it as well. You can update Samsung Smart TV in this way.

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