8 AWESOME Ways To Reduce System Storage on Mac

Reduce System Storage on Mac

Do you use tend to save a lot of files, pictures, applications, and images on your Mac? And now you are running out of space? And you tried everything, deleted all the pictures and videos and applications, and still, that grey bar is still showing that your space is taken up the system storage? And … Read more

3 Tips to Delete Indeed Account

Delete Indeed Account

Indeed is an employment platform where you can create your professional profile and then search for relative jobs there. And if any job sounds appealing to you then you can apply for it. Let’s begin! Indeed You can also keep track of your progress which Indeed also allows you to take extra steps to get … Read more

3 Ways to Take Screenshots on Galaxy A32

Take Screenshots on Galaxy A32

If you are wondering how to take screenshots on your Galaxy A32 then worry not because in this article I will tell you 3 simple ways to learn how to do that. Let’s begin! 3 ways to take screenshots on Galaxy a32 Using hardware keys The first tip of taking screenshots on Galaxy A32 is … Read more

3 Tips to Edit Instagram Videos after uploading it

Edit Instagram Videos after uploading it

Instagram is one of the wider social media apps in the market today. Every day billion of users join this platform and billions of users are currently using this app to engage and socialize with their friend’s posts. Instagram is also a great tool for initiating anything because it is a very important tool to … Read more

How to add music to Snapchat [ Quick Guide ]

add music to Snapchat

Everyone loved it when Instagram added the feature of adding music to your Instagram stories and soon after Snapchat launched a similar feature and everyone is going crazy about that too. Because adding music to your snaps and stories is a great way to personalize your stories and snaps and stand out from the rest. … Read more