How to Clone Your MAC Address?

Every network interface has an option to change the address through the media access control (MAC) address.

A network interface card has a factory with a distinctive MAC address connected with the MAC address of the hardware. So, you can clone the MAC address of one device to be similar to the MAC address of another.

What is media access control?

Cloning of a media access control (MAC) address is also called changing the MAC address. You need the Cloning of a MAC address, whenever you want to set the MAC address of a device WAN port to change to the same MAC address associated with a different device or your PC.

Mostly routers or a network card permits to set a custom MAC address to override the hardware’s MAC address.

When you need the cloning of the MAC address?

This MAC address cloning usually is done when an Internet connection is associated with another MAC address. However, you can contact the network service by switching the MAC address, but it is a more convenient way that you have to clone the MAC address of the original device.

  • For example, sometimes the MAC address of your computer card is ISP’s register when your service has previously installed. In such a case, the ISP does not recognize the MAC address from the WAN port of the device even the router is placed behind the DSL modem or cable modem.
  • So, you have to configure your device, so that IPS recognizes the MAC address. Now, you need to clone the MAC address of the WAN port of the device to be similar to the computer MAC address.

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How can you change the MAC address?

There is a simple method through which you can clone your MAC address of Window, as well as a router.


  • Step 1: Click the Window button on the keyboard with the MAC address you wish to clone.
  • Step 2: Type “Cmd” into the search box at the bottom of the menu or the left-bottom of the desktop and hit the Enter key
  • Step 3: Once you type Cmd, Command Prompt icon will appear, click on it.
  • Step 4: Type “ipconfig /all” into the Command Prompt window and then hit the Enter.
  • Step 5: Under the Ethernet adapter field of the Command Prompt, look for the Warless LAN adopter Wi-Fi.” There will be a MAC address next to the Physical Address field on the right side, copy this MAC address.
  • Step 6: Again, click on the “Start” key on the keyboard with the MAC address that you need to change.
  • Step 7: Type “Device Manager” into the search box at the bottom of the menu, and go to the device manager.
  • Step 8: Right-click the “Wireless Network Adapter,” and right-click on it and then select the connection you want to clone.
  • Step 9: once you select the desired connection, a window will appear, go to the “Advanced” tab.
  • Step 10: look for the “property” section, select “Network Address” in the provided list of properties.
  • Step 11: click on the button left of the text box, and type the copied MAC address into the text box.
  • Step 12: click on the “OK” button to save your settings.

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  • Step 1: Type the local IP address that you use in connection or “” into the Web browser address bar, then hit the Enter key. Ask for the default IP address to the router documentation.
  • Step 2: Here, type the password of your router into the password box and hit the Enter key to log in. You may try “admin,” or ask for the default password for the router documentation, in the case when you don’t know the password or forgot.
  • Step 3: Click on the Status page, look for the physical address or MAC address that associate with your router’s WAN interface.
  • Step 4: Now, you have to plug out the old router from your computer, and plug in the new router to connect your computer.
  • Step 5: Go to the WAN settings on the router, and then type the MAC address of the old router into the new router physical address or MAC address box.
  • Step 6: Finally, click on the “Save Settings” button. Enjoy the Change!

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