How to Tell if Amazon Reviews are Fake?

When you decide to buy a product online you browse an online market website that has a massive variety of products such as Amazon. It’s hard to decide which product you want to buy.

So, the potential consumers also check the product’s Reviews section and ratings to have confidence in a product to buy or pass.

This section is user generated and frequently updated. But unfortunately, some reviews are fake and paid.

Therefore, you cannot always trust these Amazon reviews of a product to make multiple purchases.

Fortunately, you can spot the fake reviews by using different methods and tools that will give you a hint of a fake review.

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How to tell if Amazon reviews are fake?

tell if amazon reviews are fake

There are eight ways to spot that Amazon reviews are fake:

Check the timestamps

Check the timestamps

The normal Amazon reviews from legitimate buyers cannot appear in one day or two. Mostly, the product reviews published over a period of weeks, months, or years.

So, always check the time and date when you read the review of a product. You can also check here out.

Amazon’s Verified Purchase Label

Amazon’s Verified Purchase Label

You should see Amazon’s Verified Purchase Label alleviate worries about fake reviews. This is the way to verifies that reviews are from legitimate buyers made after making verified purchases.

An orange badge appears next to the customer’s review, which is evidence that the product actually purchased, but this also not enough because some people use third-party tools to generate fake reviews and reliable ratings.

Overly positive or Overly negative reviews

Overly positive or Overly negative reviews

You should particularly watch out for those overly positive or overly negative reviews without mentioning any details.

Always go for moderately positive reviews, with three or four stars, and with legitimate grievances. And brief review with one-star ratings.

Cross-reference the product

tell if amazon reviews are fake

You can always read the customer reviews on a particular product beyond Amazon and on other sites as well to have expert coverage of an item.

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Review Length

Review Length

When reading the product review see the length of a review, it should have a fair amount of details related to a particular product.

Such as, it should contain details about the quality, functionality, and condition of the product when arrived.

Investigate the reviewer’s history

Investigate the reviewer’s history

Better than a computer algorithm, a human eye can detect the suspicious sign of spam profiles.

If the customer leaves 5 stars and overly positive reviews on several different products, then there are a lot of chances that these are fake reviews.

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Review in exchange for a reward

tell if amazon reviews are fake

Amazon generally offers people to get free products in exchange for a review and this exchange should be prominent in the text posted. You should look at all those reviews that had stated in exchange for a free product or sample such as Vine Customer Review.

Use ReviewMeta or Fakespot

tell if amazon reviews are fake

These are the third-party sites that analyze the review language, star ratings, and customer’s purchase history to evaluate if the reviews are suspicious. It depends on how the tool works.

Either you will get the grade on the reliability of the product, or you can have reassessed the product ratings with the removal of fake reviews.

You can also have the browser extension, where you need to copy and paste the URL of the product into the site’s taskbar. Later, you will receive the credit report of the product.

So, it helps you to decide whether to buy a product or you need to have some research. Moreover, you can also report the suspected fake reviews to Amazon.

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