How to Unlink YouTube from Twitter

Twitter is an American social networking service and also microblogging. In this, you can post and interact with the messages called “tweets”.

There are two users on Twitter; Registered and unregistered users. The registered users can post, like a tweet, and also retweet a tweet, however, unregistered users can only read the publicly available tweets.

The users can also interact with Twitter via browser or by mobile frontend software, or via its APIs.

Before April 2020, the services were accessible via SMS. Twitter, Inc provides this service. It is a corporation located in San Francisco, California. Moreover, it has 25 offices all around the globe.

The tweets were basically limited to 140 characters, but then the limit was doubled to 280 in November 2017. However, video and video tweets remain restricted to 140 seconds for the majority of the accounts.

The creators of Twitter are Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Noah Glass, and Evan Williams. It was created in March 2006 and then after that, it was launched in July of the same year.

By the year 2012, more than 100 million users posted over 340 million tweets every single day, and the service managed to handle an average of 1.6 billion search queries per day.

However in the year 2013, on the list of ten most visited websites, twitter’s name came in the list. And Twitter is described or nicknamed “The SMS of the Internet”.

At the start of 2019, more than 330 million active users were on Twitter.


YouTube is an American online video sharing and social media platform. The headquarters of YouTube is in San Bruno, California.

The launching of YouTube was on February 14, of the year 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. YouTube is owned by Google. And it is the second most visited website after Google.

YouTube claims to have over one billion monthly users who watch more than one billion hours of videos every single day.

In the year 2006, Google bought YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars. In April of the year 2022, YouTube claimed to have over 2.6 billion users.

How to unlink YouTube from Twitter

It is very easy to unlink your YouTube from Twitter. Just simply g into your Twitter account settings and then look at app permissions.

  • You can unlink anything there to which you have given permission to your Twitter profile and cancel.
  • If you cannot find YouTube there, see the Google option linked there.
  • Just unlink Google.
  • That will solve it since YouTube is a Google company.

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