How to Fix Apex Legends No Server Found Error?

When attempting to win the match, many Apex Legends people experience database connection issues.

As players on Desktop, Xbox One, even PS4 already get the “Link to database knocked out” failure on the devices, the issue is not limited to one device.

For many of these players, immediately after the match boots up, the service interruption bug occurs. But, consumers have recorded problems such as locking up a game and then seeing the notification “Timed out database connection” or experiencing an inevitable server connectivity failure even after the game is finished.

EA indeed acknowledged the problems and is undoubtedly focusing on a solution, but it’s been many as a week, and the problem has still not been resolved.

How to Fix Apex Legends No Server Found Error?

Apex Legends No Server Found Error

If your gaming works and displays this mistake, then before the problem gets more complicated for you, users also need to check such solutions out. Try such corrections and thank us afterward on!

Restart the Game and PC

By refreshing the page or the Computer, the fastest and perhaps most straightforward solution to overcome this failure being.

In most situations, this strategy works perfectly, no matter which computer you’re running.

  • Your games can be affected by specific programs, and resetting your PC will stop such operations.

Restart the Game

  • Try this solution and cure the error, and if it doesn’t function for you, switch to another one.


Check the Network Connection

Check the Network Connection

Checking the data connection is yet another strategy that you can use with your Computer.

Apex Legends is an online service that connects your match details in real-time through its databases, that’s why a weak network link will trigger your match to collapse or display faults such as ‘timed out database connection.’

  • Consider dealing with the problem until you restart the match again and do not have stable internet access.

Those who play that game on Wi-Fi always experience this problem, so I suggest that you turn to Bluetooth when you’re using a Wi-Fi system.

Run Apex Legends as an Administrator

We often do not get easy accessibility to those file systems even if we’re not playing the program as an operator, which leads to difficulties and crashing.

Follow the instructions below to enjoy the sport with regulatory approval:

  • On your screen, right-click that Source button.
  • As a user, pick Load.

pick Load

  • To have the appropriate rights, press yes throughout the pop-up display.

Read more: How To Fix If Origin Stuck on Resuming Download?

Restart the Windows Audio Service

The frequency of the database could be related to the Computer audio service’s inability to manage correctly.

Here’s that you can address this problem and reboot the Computers audio service manual process:

  • Start Apex Legends.
  • Go back to the Computer while the match is loading, and click the Win + R key to unlock the Start-up.
  • Type services. msc and click Enter.

Win + R key

  • Find and right-click that Computers Audio End Developer system and choose Pause.
  • Select yes throughout the verification pop-up display.


  • Now, right-click once more on the Computers Audio system and pick Launch.


Eventually, in Apex Legends no server found an error, such strategies have helped everyone resolve the ‘link to database timed out’ matter. But if you can’t overcome this challenge, it’s better to wait for an official EA update.

Perhaps the one solution to your situation is the latest stable change.

Read more: How to Add Friends on Apex Legends?

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