
How to see what someone likes on Instagram?

Instagram is an amazing social media website, where people can interact not only through text but through pictures and videos. The most effective way to influence someone’s opinion is through a video.

User to user interaction with link minded minds is the core of Instagram. There are both personal and business accounts, which operate on this social media platform.

Users like to interact and have fun with their friends and family, or they simply like to keep in touch with the updates of a brand.

The interactions that take place on Instagram are known as likes and comments. They can be seen by visiting a page on the Instagram mobile app, note that the desktop version doesn’t support this feature.

See What the Other Person has Liked on Instagram

Seeing what the other person has liked on Instagram, doesn’t come under stalking.

You might be interested in what your friend has liked because you have mutual interests.

If you want to know what they have liked on Instagram, then first open the Instagram app on your phone. The first thing that you see is the homepage.

  • There is a heart icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
  • Click on it, and it will take you to another page.
  • This is the notifications page, where you get to see two options.
  • The first option is ‘Following’ and the second option is ‘You’.
  • The ‘Following’ option shows the likes of the people, who you are following.
  • The ‘You’ section shows the people you have interacted with or the ones who have liked your Instagram posts.
  • When you click on the ‘Following’ option, you will get to see the pictures that your friends have liked or the comments they have made on other pictures.

This is a feature that people, who follow celebrities, use the most. They want to know what kind of content their favorite actor likes, or their opinions about certain pictures.

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This is how you know that your friend has liked a picture or commented on it.

  • If you look close to the mutual accounts you and your friend are following, then you don’t even have to go beyond the homepage.
  • Right underneath the picture of the mutual account, you will be able to see whether your friend has liked that picture, or not as their name appears on the top of the people who have liked it.

If you want to know more about Instagram, then keep on reading this informative article about a really fun social media website and app.

Guide to Instagram

Instagram is a really great place for you to share pictures and videos. The problem with most users is impatience. When they create an Instagram account and post a picture, they immediately expect their content to be liked.

However, to get more followers and content praise on Instagram, users need to know how to use Instagram. They should be able to input the appropriate hashtags, which are as per the content they have posted.

Most users make the mistake of using the wrong hashtags, making users believe that their picture is relevant to their search. However, this simply results in the user blocking such accounts or reporting such posts.

Putting many hashtags isn’t going to work either, but putting relevant hashtags will have a positive impact on the popularity of a post.

More importantly, people don’t like following other people but expect others to follow them. If you want your account to grow, then you need to interact and communicate with like-minded people.

If you are a fan of a show, then find others who are following the same show episode by episode. When people communicate and interact, they often end up following each other on Instagram. This way, not only will you be able to talk to people with the same interests, but build relationships as well.

Brand Marketing on Instagram

Brand marketing is growing on Instagram, and more and more brands are hiring influence’s to get them to market their product.

Influences usually have many followers, because they have credibility and the ability to tell a story. If a brand is able to find a follower, or develop their own account on Instagram, then they can expand their customer base. Read more: Best Ride Sharing Android Apps – iOS

Brands should be very cautious about the kind of content that they put on Instagram because each and everything nowadays is scrutinized.

For example, brands should refrain from posting anything that might sound racist, impolite, or targets a religion, person, or ethnicity. If a brand does post something inappropriate or unacceptable, then such a post would be tied to its brand image for a long time. Remember, even if you do delete an Instagram post, there would be screenshots and downloads of it, in people’s smartphones.

It is best to be careful about you want to post as a brand, and develop a good brand growth and marketing strategy.

Viral Content

If you want to know the kind of content that goes viral, especially if you are handling a business account, then do a little research.

  • You need to find out pictures of similar businesses, and their best-liked pictures on Instagram.
  • Then, you need to find out what is similar between those posts, and what attracts people.

For example, when Starbucks post a picture of a coffee cup, they are able to get many likes. This is because they have many followers, but also due to their own research.

They know when to post about coffee, the kind of caption that would make people smile and connected, and so on. While individual accounts, apart from celebrities, face a lot of problems in getting genuine followers, they shouldn’t stop trying.

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The first thing you need to remember is, to post about something you have a passion for, like a drawing.

The second thing is to never steal posts of other people because even though Instagram is a huge platform, there is always someone who might have seen that post somewhere else. Make and post original content, and get more likes.

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