Connect Logitech Bluetooth Keyboard to Computer

How to Connect Logitech Bluetooth Keyboard to Computer?

To connect Logitech Bluetooth keyboard to computer or mobile device running Windows, Android, or Chrome: Press and hold the “PC” connect button for 3 seconds. Press and hold the “i” connect button for 3 seconds. The light with the connect button flickers to tell you that the keyboard is ready to be paired with another…

Stress Test Your Graphics Card

How to Stress Test Your Graphics Card – Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Here at WPC, we’re dedicated to making sure that stress test your graphic card now. What if you guys buy a graphics card and after a while, you find out that it was buggy and now it’s dead? That will terrify you. Or suppose you are out to buy something brand new, after buying that,…

iPhone Restoring Error

8 Bad iPhone Restoring Error Comes During Restoring to the iPhone

Restart your iTunes. A simple startup of your iTunes, and then restarting the recovery process can fix this error. As I got iPhone restoring error from my friend as a question to resolve. You can also install the latest version of iTunes. Older versions of iTunes may be the main reason behind iTunes Error 1015….